The schools are inundated with a very large number of electronic documents. As we create and use more and more records in electronic format, there should be a plan for the management of those records.
The School system should have a roadmap which will move the school system towards electronic records keeping in a manner that is sensible, meets compliances, cost-effective, and sustainable over time.
Public records requirements do not differentiate between electronic records and other record types. They primarily focus on the responsibilities of records custodians to provide access, make copies available, retain public records, and ensure records security.

How can ACVITS help?
- ACVITS encrypts all contents encrypted at transit and rest. We consider all contents are important and must encrypt to protect the privacy of stakeholders.
- Some records like a transcript, the board of directors meeting minutes are permanent and should be protected for many years. ACVITS offers, “Make Permanent” feature to tag a document to keeps the document for the life of the system.
- Some documents can be removed after 3 years. ACVITS offers custom retention setup, which automatically clears documents after the retention period.
- School system can be misused by unlawful contents storage and distribution. These incidents can result in court cases and court order to freeze the system. ACVITS offers litigation hold feature which can be enabled by two clicks. Restoring the litigation hold can be accomplished under 30 minutes.
- There is always a possibility of bad elements storing questionable materials and then deleting from the system. ACVITS keeps track of all activities in the audit log file, also the content administrator can restore a deleted copy within the purge window.
- The document level reminder option at ACVITS can help students and teachers keep on top of their activities.
To learn more about other features applicable to the system school, visit
Schools must maintain detailed records to show that FSA funds are disbursed in the correct amounts to eligible students. These records must be made available to authorized parties in the course of audits, program reviews, or investigations. Personally-identifiable information in these records may only be released to other parties under certain conditions specified in the FERPA regulations. Required information may be collected and stored electronically, subject to appropriate safeguards. Note that a school is also required to take steps to prevent the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material on its network.
One of the main tenets of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is the protection of student education records, including personally identifiable information (PII) and directory information. To learn more, visit: